Polish Tatra Sheepdog
Polish Tatra Sheepdog
BYSTRA Chosna is a member of our family since she was two months old. She’s a lively, smart, cheerful and even tempered dam. She loves to play with kids and other dogs (although she’s not fond of German Shepherds, with only few exceptions). She’s friendly towards other people, as long as she knows them, or we let her know that the people are not a threat to us – when she sees them for a first time.
She really enjoys walks and trips. We treat her as a member of our family and she’s joining us on almost all of our journeys. At first, we had some doubts if such a large dog is suited for family trips, as well as life in a large city, just in a house with a garden. All of our fears, that our dog, truly a mountaineer and a Shepherd, could have problems with adapting to lowland life, were quickly dispelled. Bystra has become a full-fledged citizen without any issues. She has also perfectly mastered sleeping in a tent or in a private quarters, and our hosts have never complained about her. She’s a smart dog with exceptional adaptability. She guards our household with great commitment, observing her surroundings, (usually when we’re not home) from her fauvorite spot on a porch, keeping an eye on what’s going on by the fence. If anything alarms her, she’s imidiately by the fence, barking lodly at ‘trespasser’. Hence she’s not only a perfect family dog but guarding one, as well.
Our Tatra Shepherd Dog, when she wants to play with us, brings us toys – for throwing, otherwise, during her walks, she’s too busy to play with us, while she’s sniffing her surroundings. Bystra is the perfect tutor for our kids. They have learnt to keep the house clean: all mascots, blankets, blocks or any sweets have to be kept away, if not, Bystra will gladly ‘take care’ of them. Plushies unwillingly will take part in a ‘catch-me-if-you-can’ game, blocks will be tested for durability, and all sweets will go throuth tasting trial – they always pass this one. Kids quickly learnt to take care of their ‘treasures’.
Bystra is committed to guarding the home.
Family picnic.
We feed our “Podhalanka”, mainly, with dry food. Sometimes we cook something for her, sometimes she gets a canned food or some kind of a canine delicacy. Bystra likes carrots, apples, and blackcurrants, but she truly loves our food too. She pretends that she is completely uninterested in it, lying down politely (or in the kitchen's doorstep) when we eat or prepare our food. However, it takes only a moment's inattention and everything disappears in her mouth. That is why we have learned to close the kitchen. Yes, Bystra is very "smart".
Bystra likes our cat Czarek and other animals.
While pregnant the appetite grows.
Our Tatra Shepherd Dog likes Czarek (our cat) yet Glodek (our other cat) sometimes gets halted by her. Czarek has a free movement pass of Bystra, with access to both house and garden and is stopped by her only if Bystra is in a mood to play with him. Her first meeting with sheep in the mountains was hilarious, she barked at them for a bit, tried to encourage them to join her in a play. She was not sure for a while if those creatures are friends or foes.
We together spend holidays with Bystra, our Tatra Shepherd Dog haven’t any problems to make new friends.
Bystra enjoys playing with other dogs, especially with friendly neighbors.
Rising of Tatra Shepherd Dog is not too difficult, although our dam can be stubborn and you have to be consequent in your behaviour towards her. Sometimes it’s just hard to be firm, while with sweet and innocent look on her face, she gets on a bed or chair (even though she knows she’s not allowed to do so) – firstly we take a picture and then with assertive face we order her to get off.
Bystra is fond of any physical contact, she can get (we might have spoiled her a bit), she really enjoys scratching by the ears, and stroking her under chin, calms her. She’s intelligent, vigilant yet calm and friendly towards us, our kid, our neighbors and their kids.
During her walks or family trips, she always arouses admiration, people just want to pet her (sometimes it’s really obnoxious). Yet the funniest are children’s’ comments: „ooo her fur is so soft”, “she’s so white” and their delighted laugh when she’s trying to ‘greet’ them with her humongous pink tongue.
Our Podhalan does’t like large noisy machines or cars, fights – allways tries to split opponents apart (i.e. during Grunwald’s Days we can take a stroll through whole camp area, but we never shall get close to main tournament).
Allways when we get back home, even after temporary abscence, our ‘white happiness” greets us with same joy as if we haven’t seen each other for years. Exactly the same she greets us every morning.
Milk cookie and well desereved rest after night guarding shift.
Tatra Shepherd Dog quickly adapts to new environement.
For now (and hopefully for as long as possible) we don’t have any issues with her health. For a few years we have noticed growing ticks population in our neighborhood and after testing multiple different means (with varying results), we use Bravecto. Bystra tolerates it well for now. Our Tatra Shepherd Dog is a young, healthy and really cheerful dam.
She underwent a dysplasia examination - hip joints: HDA
Exhibitions are a nice addition to our daily life not a main goal on it’s own. After Bystra received her breeding dog certification, we only seldom take part – our free time we spent rising our kids or working in a garden. That’s why Bystra compared to her peers, doesn’t have outstanding achievement. Nevertheless on each and every exhibition she takes part in, she gets top marks. According to judges opinion she is a dog with correct: proportions, head, pigmentation; strong neck; straight back; proper chest; perfect angling of limbs and marvelous musculature. On international dog’s exhibition in July 2017 she was chosen Junior Champion, Best Junior and Champion of a breed, receiving IV place as best Polish breeds dog.
Example of an exemplary evaluation card for the Bystra at the exhibition of Tatra Shepherd Dogs.
Example of an exemplary evaluation card for the Bystra at the exhibition of Tatra Shepherd Dogs.
Her achievements are nice addition to our Tatra Shepherd Dog breeding.
During exhibitions You can start new exciting relations, buy dog’s dainty.
However Bystra prefers to sleep in a tent ...
visiting various interesting places with us.
RODO: Na podst. art. 7 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27.04.2016r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE, każda osoba odwiedzająca tą stronę internetową, poprzez okoliczność podania swoich danych osobowych, wyraża zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w celu umożliwienia udzielenia przez administratora odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie oraz ewentualnie w celu udzielenia późniejszych informacji o kwestiach związanych z hodowlą Aroniowa Dolina. Informujemy, iż: 1) administratorem przekazanych nam danych osobowych i osobą kontaktową w sprawie ich przetwarzania jest Dorota Pogorzelska-Budek; 2) celem przetwarzania danych osobowych jest umożliwienie udzielenia przez administratora odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie oraz ewentualnie udzielenie późniejszych informacji o kwestiach związanych z hodowlą Aroniowa Dolina – podstawę prawną stanowi zgoda zainteresowanej osoby na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w w/w celach; 3) udostępnione dane osobowe nie będą podlegały udostępnieniu podmiotom trzecim; 4) udostępnione dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres niezbędny do udzielenia odpowiedzi lub informacji o hodowli Aroniowa Dolina lecz nie dłużej niż przez okres trwania tej hodowli; 5) osobie zainteresowanej przysługuje prawo dostępu do treści danych osobowych jej dotyczących, oraz ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo do bycia powiadomionym o sprostowaniu lub usunięciu danych osobowych lub o ograniczeniu przetwarzania, zażądania zaprzestania przetwarzania i przenoszenia danych, jak również prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie oraz prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego tj.: Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych; 6) podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne; 7) udostępnione dane osobowe nie będą podlegały zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu.