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Tatra Shepherd Dog - litter 2020

We are pleased to announce that on September 5, 2020, our Tatra Shepherd Dog BYSTRA Chosna (FCI) became a happy mother of 8 Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies. More information about BYSTRA can be found on our website in the "BYSTRA" tab. The father of the puppies is ZAREMBEK z Winory ("Z Winory" kennel).



Tatra Shepherd Dog  ZAREMBEK z Winory

(The owner: Zbigniew Zadroga, kennel: „Z Winory”)



Father: FAGOT Poniatowskie Piaski

Mother: AKSAMITKA z Jagusi Zagrody (FCI)


The most important achievements:

Polish Junior Champion

Polish Champion

incl. multiple Junior Winner, Best Junior in Breed, Best of Breed, Best Adult Dog



Completely free from hip joint degeneration: HD-A.

He is a stud dog with official entitlement.


A few words about the Tatra Shepherd Dog ZAREMBEK z Winory:

ZAREMBEK was born on March 30, 2015. He is a dog with a perfect body build, has a beautiful male head with a dry mouth, an amazing tail that looks perfect at shows. It has a wonderful longer coat that characterizes the perfect Tatra Shepherd Dog  (beautiful full pants). Perfectly set ears and correct angulation of the feet. Zarembek z Winory is a healthy dog ​​(HD-A) and most importantly for us, he has nicely balanced character without excessive excitability. The dog is a good and vigilant guardian of its territory, it looks after the flock of birds bred held by its owner and the whole family (house with children and grandparents). Without the consent of the owner, he does let any strangers to enter the premises, he accepts persons admitted by his owner without too much curiosity (i.e. he allows guests to move freely around the area, although he is vigilant all the time). He does not excessively bark at the fence of the guarded property.

We were delighted with his overall perfect appearance, dry mouth (it is not a molossian type and has no dripping mouth), great tail and pants, and above all, balanced character.


ZAREMBEK z Winory according to the judges:

Big, strong, very good type, very good proportions, straight, strong back, muscular, good height, perfectly moving, well balanced head, elegant head, good angulation of the limbs, dynamic movement, excellent type of coat and color.


Tatra Shepherd Dog

The goals that we follow when mating 

The father of our puppies, professionally known as a stud, should please us ("catch our eye"), above all. He can not be related to our dam up to the 3rd generation, although we try for them not to be related up to the 4th generation (it is difficult to achieve, but not impossible). His exhibition achievements are not as important to us as the appearance: shape, strong construction and proportional figure; black coloring (eyes, nose, muzzle); shape of muzzle (we do not like large and dangling flews, but that's obviously a matter of taste); correct occlusion; muscular, with a thick forelimb bone and correctly angled hind legs; nice coat with a uniform coat; calm and vigilant temperament. The environment in which the future dad lives, has a great importance to us - we want him to be a member of his family, just like our dog is a full member of ours - he should be given freedom to move around the house and garden. We do not allow mating with a dog closed every day in a pen or other room. The very moment of conceiving puppies should be natural - we do not approve of an insemination. If future parents do not like each other, we will try "next year" with another dad. Impregnation should be achieved by the mutual consent - we do not want to force the future parents.

Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies for sale

Example of a mating card.

Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies with pedigree FCI/ZKwP 

Dogs with pedigree, and more specifically puppies of Tatra Shepherd Dog with ZKwP/FCI pedigree, are predictable - they have typical features of an adult dog, and are known to grow up to be a smart, vigilant and calm dog friendly towards residents (including children), what is consistent with the breed pattern. Of course, each Tatra Shepherd Dog will differ more or less among themselves (appearance, character, etc.), but each of them will have the abovementioned features. Therefore knowing your capabilities (housing conditions, the amount of time you want to sacrifice for the dog, etc.) and expectations, it is much easier to choose a beloved pet. In the case of a mongrel there is an element of surprise - it is not known what size and character the dog will grow to, how it will behave, what care it will require and if it’s going to be healthy (contrary to common opinion, mongrels are not free of diseases). We like all dogs (these purebred and cute mongrels) as well as cats (we have two), but we are in love in Tatra Shepherd Dog’s. The decision to buy a purebred puppy, as well as the decision to adopt a dog, should be prudent. The animal is not a toy and requires a change in our habits (the way of spending holidays, the necessity of finding and sacrificing time for a dog during the day, etc.). If, despite these "inconveniences" you intend to buy a puppy of the Tatra Shepherd Dog with a ZKwP/FCI pedigree, we cordially invite You to visit our breeder Aroniowa Dolina FCI and get acquainted with our puppies.


Tatra Shepherd Dog Litter 2019

We are pleased to inform, that our Tatra Shepherd Dog BYSTRA Chosna has already littered . All who are interested, are invited to book their puppy  at +48 608 292 931 or 607 925 060. More information about BYSTRA can be found on our website in the BYSTRAs’ tab. The puppies’ father - NICO DUNAJ Nutrena (owner: Aurelia Skoczylas, Podhalan Shepherd breedery Polska Biel FCI). Description NICO DUNAJ Nutrena You may find the details below. BYSTRA and NICO DUNAJ are not related up to the 4th generation, inclusive.

Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies for sale


Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies for sale





(owner: Aurelia Skoczylas, Tatra Shepherd Dog breedery Polska Biel FCI)



Parents :

O : KAPRYS znad Cichej Wody

M: GRAŃ z Siwej Polany


Main accomplishments:



Czech Winner 18 


Champion of Poland 

Champion of CMKU 

Champion of Czech 

Champion of Slovakia 



Completely free of HD-A hip joint degeneration

He has the certification of a Reproducer

Free of eye diseases


Few facts about NICO DUNAJ Nutrena:

Nico has perfect attitude, he’s a loyal friend, but he keeps distance towards strangers. He’s really alert. He likes kids and animals. Loves to be petted, walks and playing. He lives with family, freely moving around house and garden.

In the eyes of the judges: 

Strong dog of good format and proportion, strong male head, very good neck, excellent upper and lower line, beautiful straight coat, very good pigmentation, very good angulation of the hindquarters and forelegs, good movement, very good chest and front.

Tatra Shepherd Dog puppies with ZKwP FCI pedigree for sale
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+ 48 608 292 931

RODO: Na podst. art. 7 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27.04.2016r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE, każda osoba odwiedzająca tą stronę internetową, poprzez okoliczność podania swoich danych osobowych, wyraża zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w celu umożliwienia udzielenia przez administratora odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie oraz ewentualnie w celu udzielenia późniejszych informacji o kwestiach związanych z hodowlą Aroniowa Dolina. Informujemy, iż: 1) administratorem przekazanych nam danych osobowych i osobą kontaktową w sprawie ich przetwarzania jest Dorota Pogorzelska-Budek; 2) celem przetwarzania danych osobowych jest umożliwienie udzielenia przez administratora odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie oraz ewentualnie udzielenie późniejszych informacji o kwestiach związanych z hodowlą Aroniowa Dolina – podstawę prawną stanowi zgoda zainteresowanej osoby na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w w/w celach; 3) udostępnione dane osobowe nie będą podlegały udostępnieniu podmiotom trzecim; 4) udostępnione dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres niezbędny do udzielenia odpowiedzi lub informacji o hodowli Aroniowa Dolina lecz nie dłużej niż przez okres trwania tej hodowli; 5) osobie zainteresowanej przysługuje prawo dostępu do treści danych osobowych jej dotyczących, oraz ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo do bycia powiadomionym o sprostowaniu lub usunięciu danych osobowych lub o ograniczeniu przetwarzania, zażądania zaprzestania przetwarzania i przenoszenia danych, jak również prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie oraz prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego tj.: Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych; 6) podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne; 7) udostępnione dane osobowe nie będą podlegały zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu.